Brand name strategy service
Verify up to 10 trademark options with the help of our legal team and select the best name to represent your brand.
How it works?
Send us your brief & preferred brand names
Fill out the form below and let us know the type of products/services you wish to offer and your preferred brand names.
Assessment & similarity screening
Our legal team carries out a comprehensive assessment & similarity screening and evaluates the registrability of the potential brand names.
Finding the perfect brand name!
We guide you throughout our findings, completing the search for the perfect brand name.
Final price, no additional fees.
What our clients say?

Finding a brand for a consumer bank in the US meant we had to cast a wide net. Trama reviewed hundreds of naming options and visual elements quickly and for a great price. We're really happy with the speed and results.
Let’s get your brand the perfect name
Leave us a note so we can assess your case.