What are the risks of brand infringement on Instagram?

Photo of Jan Buza

Written by Jan Buza

Co-founder of Trama

Brand infringement on Instagram can lead to a variety of risks, such as:

  • Loss of brand identity: Counterfeit accounts or content can confuse your audience and damage your brand’s image.
  • Reduced customer trust: Fake accounts or products might lead to customer dissatisfaction if they receive low-quality items or fall victim to scams.
  • Revenue loss: Counterfeit products and brand misuse can divert potential customers to fake sellers, directly affecting your sales.

Without a monitoring strategy, these risks can escalate quickly. Trama helps mitigate these risks with proactive monitoring and rapid enforcement actions. Our team identifies violations before they affect your customer base and brand image, so you can focus on growing your business with peace of mind.

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