Response to a cease and desist letter

Save your brand from having to cease and desist by challenging the opposition.

Document with cross icon and check mark

Have you received a cease and desist letter?

When trying to register a trademark or just running a business, brand owners can receive a cease and desist letter from established brands. If you’ve been served one, we can look at your case and take appropriate step to help you stand your ground.

  • Document with a checkmark


    trademarks registered

  • Scales of justice


    cases settled

How it works?

  • Share the details of your case

    Fill out the form below and describe the contents of the cease and desist letter and the circumstances.

  • Consultation

    We will assess your case, discuss your options with you, and provide a final quote.

  • Execution

    If you choose us as your representatives, we will prepare and send the response on your behalf.

Pricing for a standard case


Should the scope of your case exceed our standard rate, we will provide a fixed quote so you know what to expect before choosing our services.

Ice cream with a price tag

You are in the right hands

Get a peace of mind by leaving your case to our highly experienced legal team.

What our clients say?

Let’s protect your brand together

Leave us a note so we can assess your case.




